Oak Wilt Cost Share

Oak Wilt Cost Share

Beginning January 1, 2022, the Village of Kronenwetter does not have a contracted urban forester (previously, Management Solutions, LLC)  to assist in the Urban Forestry program including the Oak Wilt cost share program. Please be advised property owners will not receive cost share for activities involved within the Urban Forestry program. Contact Peter Wegner at 715-693-4200 with any questions.

Some of the methods for stopping the spread of oak wilt include severing root grafts and injecting fungicides. You may want to consider contacting a tree care professional.  They can assess your property and suggest a management strategy that meets your specific needs. Plus, the Village offers a cost sharing program that will reimburse property owners 50%, up to a maximum of $350.00 per parcel, on an annual basis for expenses incurred from hiring a professional forestry consultant to assess their property and lay out a site-specific management plan (i.e. marking disease trees for removal and identifying a method for removal) and eligible control techniques.  Eligible costs may include consultant services, establishment of vibratory control lines, brushing of lines, and/or herbicide treatment control.  Refer to the Oak Wilt Cost Share Management or Sanitation Application for information on how to submit for reimbursement under the cost share program. (THIS PROGRAM IS CURRENTLY ON HOLD.) For any questions related to the cost share program, contact Peter Wegner at 715-693-4200, ext 113.