Certified Survey Maps

Certified Survey Maps

Certified Survey Maps (CSM) are required any time a parcel is divided, merged, or property lines relocated. Certified Survey Maps must be created by a certified surveyor. The County has put together a list of surveyors who have worked in the County. 

Surveyors Please Note: The following three signature blocks should be used for the different types of certified survey maps.

The following signature block is to be used for CSMs that do not require Plan Commission approval. For example, property line relocation. 


I, the Zoning Administrator for the Village of Kronenwetter hereby approve this Certified Survey Map pursuant to the power’s granted to me by the Village’s Subdivision Ordinance. This Certified Survey Map does not require approval of the Village of Kronenwetter Plan Commission as no division of land is occurring. 

Community Development/Zoning Administrator                          Date Signed

The following signature block is to be used for CSMs that require Plan Commission approval. For example, divisoin of land or a complicated CSM.


I, the Zoning Administrator for the Village of Kronenwetter hereby certify, pursuant to the Village of Kronenwetter Subdivision Ordinance that the Plan Commission approved this survey map on:

This ________ Day Of ___________   ________

Community Development/Zoning Administrator                          Date Signed

The following signature block is to be used for CSMs that require Village Board approval. For example, dedication of public right of way or land. 


I, the Zoning Administrator for the Village of Kronenwetter hereby certify, pursuant to the Village of Kronenwetter Subdivision Ordinance that the Village Board approved this survey map on:

This ________ Day Of ___________   ________

Community Development/Zoning Administrator                          Date Signed